Empowering Our Youths (14 years old and above)

Love Is Not Rare

Amanda Ng is the founder of the Empowering Our Youth Program, which is designed to help young people develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the world.

One of the reasons Amanda is so passionate about this work is because she has personal experience with rare genetic conditions. Her younger sister, Amelia Ng, has a rare genetic condition, and Amanda has seen firsthand the challenges that individuals with such conditions face. Through her work with the Empowering Our Youth Program, Amanda hopes to help young people develop empathy and understanding for those who may face challenges that are not immediately visible.

In recognition of her dedication to her sister and her community, Amanda was awarded the exemplary sibling award in 2018. This award recognizes siblings who have demonstrated exceptional love, care, and support for their siblings with special needs. Amanda’s commitment to her sister and her work with the Empowering our youth program are a testament to her compassionate and caring nature.

Since receiving the award, Amanda has continued to volunteer with the Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) (RDSS), where she works to support individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families. She has also given talks to universities, junior colleges, and secondary schools, sharing her personal journey with her younger sister and raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with rare genetic conditions

“Siblings out there, we see you!” 

One of the key aspects of the programme is its focus on supporting siblings of individuals with rare genetic conditions. The programme recognizes that siblings often play an important role in the lives of those with special needs, and offers resources and support to help them navigate the challenges they may face.

In addition to supporting siblings, the programme also offers a range of other services to individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families. These include emotional support, practical assistance, and social opportunities, all designed to help siblings cope with the challenges of living with a rare genetic condition.

Through its work, the programme helps to raise awareness about the challenges faced by these individuals, and provides a vital source of support and assistance to those who need it

Siblings involved in planning events online during the covid for the kids programme. We had a gaming session planned in 2020 June for the younger siblings. Siblings helped to plan and facilitated the whole event.

“Coming alongside” was a special event organized by the Befrienders programme to help support individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families during the circuit breaker period in Singapore. The event was specifically designed to help kids adapt to the changes brought about by the circuit breaker measures, while also providing them with an opportunity to have fun during the May holidays.

The event was a great success, with many families attending and participating in a range of activities and games.

Through the “Coming alongside” event, the  programme was able to provide a much-needed source of support and assistance to individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families during a difficult and uncertain time. The event helped to bring families together, provide a sense of community and belonging, and offer much-needed respite from the challenges of daily life. Overall, the “Coming alongside” event was a great success and a testament to the importance of the Befrienders programme in the lives of those it serves.


In addition to event planning and providing support to individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families, the programme also places a strong emphasis on building community and fostering fellowship.

One way in which the programme does this is by organizing social activities for our siblings. In December 2020, for example, the siblings gathered for a fun and engaging day of gaming at PlayNation. This provided an opportunity for siblings to connect with one another, share experiences, and build relationships in a relaxed and informal setting.

In 2021, the programme continued to prioritize social activities, even as the COVID-19 pandemic made in-person gatherings more challenging. Two of the programme’s volunteers were able to participate in an online gaming session, which provided a closed and safe environment for them to practice their event planning skills and engage with one another in a fun and engaging way.

Through these social activities, the programme is able to foster a sense of community and connection among its volunteers. This not only helps to build relationships and support networks, but also ensures that volunteers feel valued and appreciated for their contributions to the programme. Overall, the emphasis on fellowship and community-building is an important part of what makes the programme such a valuable resource for individuals with rare genetic conditions and their families.

Heres a short sharing from one of our sibling in the programme:

“Befrienders has helped me tremendously in terms of social and leadership skill. With the many opportunities to lead and to interact, my ability of empathize with others has improved. My relationship with Jovic (Jodie’s brother who has a genetic condition) has improved as now I can understand his situation better through learning from others. I used to not understand him so I distant myself from him but now I do make an effort to interact with himBefrienders also helped me get to know many many inspiring and interesting people with similar background. Most importantly, befrienders has taught me the value of being a good sibling and being supportive to others with similar background”

Jodie Ang (15 years old)

In 2022, as COVID-19 conditions improved in Singapore, the Siblings Programme was able to resume its in-person social activities for siblings of individuals with rare genetic conditions. One of the events organized by the programme was a fun-filled day of escape room and laser tag at the Singapore Discovery Centre.

The event provided an opportunity for siblings to come together, engage in fun and challenging activities, and connect with one another over shared experiences. The day was filled with laughter, conversation, and camaraderie, as siblings worked together to solve puzzles and navigate the challenges of the escape room and laser tag arena.

Through events like this, the Siblings Programme is able to provide an important source of support and connection for siblings of individuals with rare genetic conditions. These events not only offer opportunities for fun and engagement, but also help to build relationships and foster a sense of community among siblings who may otherwise feel isolated or overlooked.

In summary, the escape room and laser tag event at the Singapore Discovery Centre was a great success, and a testament to the importance of the Siblings Programme in the lives of those it serves. By providing opportunities for fun, engagement, and connection, the programme helps to make a real difference in the lives of siblings with rare genetic conditions and their families.