Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) has attained the Institution Of Public Character (IPC) status from 8 December 2022. Donations made to RDSS can now be tax exempted.
The Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) is an independent charity that serves children living with rare disorders. The Society does NOT receive financial help from the Government, Community Chest and other agencies in Singapore. RDSS has been raising funds on its own to finance the various programmes and activities for the benefit of its members.
You may find us at charity portal by clicking here. For more information, please use desktop version to access.
For Tax Deduction for the donation, please key in your NRIC/FIN/UEN in the “UEN/Bill Reference No.” field.
$50 and above donation will be eligible for tax exemption.
E.g. NRIC start with S/T1234567E & FIN start with G/M1234567E
Bank Name: OCBC Bank
A/C Name: Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)
A/C no: 611852831001
Bank Code: 7339
Bank Address: 65 Chulia Street Floor 9 OCBC Centre Singapore 049513
UEN: T11SS0113L
Scan the following QR Code.
To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:
- Write a check payable to "Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)"
- On the back of the cheque, indicate that the donation is for which cause and your contact number.
- Mail your cheque to:
Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)
Bedok Central Post Office, PO Box 631, Singapore 914608
Thank you for your kind donation!