Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) ended 2015 with a high note in having more than 360 people attending our Christmas party on 26th December 2015.

The party was held at Orchard Hotel with kind sponsorship of many kind souls coming together to make it happen. It was organised and planned entirely the the parents with children registered with the Society. Indeed it was a party planned by beneficiaries for beneficiaries and it was amazing that we could pull it together within 2 months of planning.

The party was blessed with performances from volunteers, parents and even beneficiaries. It was very heart warming to see everyone working together to make it happen.

We could never have done it if not the support of kind donors stepping forward to make contribution towards the party.

Here’s what our President, Patricia Ng, has to say:

“It’s my honor to represent Rare Disorders Society (Singapore), RDSS to thank our special guests Mr Patrick Tay, MP for West Coast GRC and Ms Eunice Olsen, the renowned beauty queen with a big heart, for joining us today, in giving thanks and delivering joy to our very special community.

I am very glad that so many families are able make it today, to attend the biggest celebration we have ever had in RDSS history! All these are possible because of the strong support we get from donors and volunteers, including many of our super mummies. Amidst taking care of their special children, they took time out to rehearse their performance, wrap and pack the goodie bags, design the programme flow, etc. I also want to express a very special thanks to a significant contributor, Samantha who is the mastermind behind this event. From gathering important contacts, to garnering items for the goodie bags, overseeing the entire event! A big round of applause for Samantha please!

As the founder of RDSS, I am very thankful that we have come this far in less than 5 years. I remember we started with only 2 families including our own in 2011. No one knew about us. NO one wants to know about us. But today, we have more than 70 families that benefit from our work and our stories can be found everywhere….from magazines, to TV/radio shows, newspapers, online blogs, both locally and overseas. We have also been approved as a charity in August this year.

We are also seeing more families becoming more open in sharing their journey with others and in helping themselves. Many of our parents had to quit their jobs to care for our special children but at the same time, it serves as a double whammy when the expenses of our special kids are exceptionally high. We have so many hidden talents in RDSS, (a case of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”) ranging from private bankers, to singers, therapists, editor, trainer specializing in regulations, and business owners. It will be a pity if we don’t allow ourselves to shine. So the RDSS team is and will continue to crack our brains, on how to help these “Stay At Home Talents” (SAHT) put our skills to good use, to earn an income without sacrificing time with our children. We welcome suggestions if you have any, in helping us in this aspect. On top of the subsidies we provide for utilities, medical needs and equipment, we will continue to provide a platform for all to share their experience with one another, create awareness for rare disorders and allow everyone to have some respite from their caregiver job and just let their hair down once a while, like today!….be assured that we will continue to think of new programs and services to benefit all of you. Please give us your support!”
