On 28 February 2018, iROO Singapore has officially launched their 5 years Corporate and Social Responsibility Campaign with Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) as the adopted charity. Their aim is to help raise awareness and educate the public on acceptance and empathy for our children who have a rare condition.

Their first campaign surrounds on the theme “Know Me”, which creates the awareness and also inviting the public to take that step in knowing the families, with a child who has a rare condition, our lives and the kind of challenges that we face.

Why Support this Cause?
Several issues were faced by RDSS members such as insults and criticisms were hurled at them or people simply avoiding them. Only when the members from RDSS get together do they feel stronger and motivated by each other. As such, an outing to the Jurong Bird Park will be arranged on 5 May 2018 coinciding with the theme of Hornbill Family for this campaign and for their continued bonding.

knowMe 2018
This year being the first year of the 5 years campaign, the theme is ‘knowMe’ to create the necessary awareness and public education. The Hornbill is a key icon of the campaign. Hornbill is a rare species that live with their single partner till their death.

They have a distinct love story and always travel in pairs or as a family. Hornbills nest in the cavities of tall trees. Female checks the cavities based on food availability and safety. Once the female pick the nest, they undergo an interesting breeding habit. Female hornbill locks herself within the cavity by covering the opening with mud, barks, excreta, saliva, etc. She leaves a small opening to share the food. Male hornbills collect food for female and young ones.

Families of RDSS are just like the Hornbill families, staying together and caring for each other.

A host of activities is lined up for this campaign in 2018
commencing 28 February 2018 till 5 May 2018.

For more information on iROO, check out the following:
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iroosingapore

· Website: http://www.iroo.sg/

· Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iroo_official/